Tales of Rathe: Ira

(Ira, Crimson Haze | Art by Le Vuong)
Each living soul in Rathe has a family, a purpose, a story. And so do our heroes. Through Tales of Rathe, we’ll get to meet each hero again, through a story from their perspective.
What are the creatures of silver and gold metal in Rhinar’s story? Who is Dorinthea’s neighbor – the person who will change her life? And why exactly does Benji wonder?
You can find the answer to these and many more questions in the Tales of Rathe.
Do you know the feeling of waking up to the smell of flowers, petals falling like rain outside your window? That was the Valley of Blossoms – the place of my happiest memories. Life was as good as it could be with two older brothers by your side. Either constantly bickering, constantly following your every move, or constantly trying to ruin your fun.
Yes, Xilin and Jing did often try to be my role models, keeping me out of trouble, which I would find faster than a bee finds pollen in a row of cherry trees. And they loved every second of the big brother roles. After all, it’s not easy being the third (magic number here) child of the leader of the Ikaru clan. But it had its perks.
Like that sword – the most beautiful thing little me had ever seen. I would sneak out often to gaze at it in the shrine, a beauty of pure elegance and raw, dangerous strength. Yet every time my father would interrupt just as I reached out towards the hilt, shouting about the sanctity of the shrine, about it’s importance to not just our people, but the entirety of Misteria – about never coming here unless it’s an emergency. And an emergency it soon would be.
I don’t remember birthdays very well, but some time after my 14th summer will be burned into memory forever. It was a rare occasion where Xiling, Ying, and I left the village with the promise of improving my technique – as if I had any knowledge of real battles then. It didn’t take us long on our return trip back to see what had happened. The smell was a dead giveaway. We got to the village and saw them – the black ink dripping, sharp teeth clanking, faceless mask glowing in the moonlight.
Father jumped out in front of us just as one of the creatures lunged to grab us. He shouted something to my brothers. The only part I understood was the one I had hoped to hear: “Run to the shrine.” It was time. I didn’t waste a minute – while my brothers searched the shrine, I knew what I was looking for. The blossom blade called me. And just as I grabbed it, the shrine shook, floorboards creaked, and one of the walls made way for a passage – father did have a plan. But it wasn’t enough. One of the ink-dripping creatures tore through the roof, and while Xilin did what every good big brother does for his siblings and jumped at the vile creation, he wasn’t fast enough. The creature tore through him like it was child’s play, and he drew his final breath.
Jing didn’t waste any time, grabbing me and forcing me through the passage. We barely escaped with our lives.
It seemed like ages had passed when we found other survivors, just a few vassals of the House of Blossoms. That night, the ‘Night of the Dark Tide,’ had cursed more people than we first thought. Word spread across all of Misteria of the tragedies that had befallen region after region – the tales were all the same.
Some of those people became my closest – my Crimson Haze Rebels. For we all craved revenge for what had happened. And my blade, my Edge of Autumn, was just the tool fit for the job.
Jing left; I don’t know when or where. He wanted to move on, to continue on with his life, as if nothing had happened.
And that’s fine. I’ll show him.
I’ll show them all what happens when you stand in the way of the Ikaru clan.
When you stand in the way of the Crimson Haze Rebels.