Bright Lights Set Review – Equipment

Welcome back! Today I’ll be reviewing the Mechanologist equipment from Bright Lights, the upcoming set from Flesh and Blood. Bright Lights has the most amount of equipment out of any set, and with it a new mechanic called Evo. With an abundance of new choices in this set, let’s get right into it!
The Legendaries
Hyper-X3, Teklo Foundry Heart, and Adaptive Plating are the newest legendary Mechanologist equipment printed in Bright Lights! Teklo is now the first non-generic legendary reprinted in the game, and is a much needed reprint for newer players in this all-Mech set. But let’s focus on the newcomers.
Hyper-X3 interacts with banishing Hyper Drivers. With three or more banished under Hyper-X3, you get to draw a card. I suspect this to be a sleeper card in the new Dash I/O or Maxx Nitro decks, allowing extra card draw if you set it up right.
Now for Adaptive Plating, which has the new keyword modular. This mechanic allows you to have Adaptive start in any equipment zone, good for a lot of mind games before presenting your equipment. In decks that can abuse its galvanize ability, this could see some play.
The New Base Equipment for Evo
This set has some super unique design with base equipment that can be upgraded into better and new equipment. There are five different base equipment, but let’s start with the three that can be your starting equipment: Cogwerx, Teklo, and Proto.
Proto Base Head and all the other Proto equipment are non-block base token equipment that will primarily be draft starters, but can be searched out by Fabricate from your inventory. Teklo Base Head and all the other Teklo base equipment are blade break 1 equipment for a one-time block on a breakpoint if needed.
Cogwerx don’t have defensive block value, but they do start with a steam counter, and all have different effects with the counter. I’d like to highlight Cogwerx Base Chest and Cogwerx Base Legs, as they’re the most powerful, with the chest making an additional resource if you’ve boosted and the legs making an action point, which is always powerful!
Now for the base equipment that starts in your deck. Evo Sentry Base Head and all the other Evo sentry equipment don’t have flashy effects, but they do have battleworn, allowing them to block two then one before also allowing you to Evo on top of them, making them lose the minus counters.
My favorite, and my pick for the best equipment in the set, is the Evo Steel Soul equipment. These have temper but start at three, allowing you to block a total of six damage per equipment. To highlight a couple, Evo Steel Soul Memory allows you to get an additional intellect when it transforms from or into an Evo with a different name, and Evo Steel Soul Tower allows you to get an action point. Note that all the Evo Steel Soul equipment trigger twice if the Evo is a hero, allowing you to do some insane things when you play Singularity in Teklovossen, Esteemed Magnate.
Non-Base Final Stage Evo Equipment
The next Evo equipment doesn’t have the base, so after you Evo into them you can’t play another Evo on top of them. But they do have some interesting effects.
Evo Circuit Breaker and the other Evo Breaker equipment let you transform the base equipment and X Hyper Drivers you control, and these prevent twice the value of X damage for this turn. Please note the prevention can only happen on that turn. All the Breaker equipment have additional effects when you boost, like shuffling in more attack actions on the head, gaining resources on the chest, gaining a damage buff on the arms, and gaining Quicken tokens on the legs.
The next and final line today is going to be the yellow pitch Blade Break line. Evo Command Center, Evo Engine Room, Evo Smoothbore, and Evo Thruster. All of these have free once-per-turn instants that let you swing multiple times with a weapon, buff your weapon, make the weapon cost one less to activate, and lastly if your weapon attack hits, draw a card. All of these are a final Evo and interact with your weapon, which could have some potential with OG Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire Pistol builds.
In Conclusion
These new Mechanologist equipment are really something else in the design aspect and I can’t wait to test all of them out! Personally I’ll be starting with some Evo Sentry and Evo Steel Soul equipment lines. What equipment do you think is the best? Or has the highest potential? Let me know in the comments below what you think about the new equipment from Bright Lights!
Other Bright Lights set reviews:
Heroes & Weapons by Pheano Black
Items by Tyler Horspool
Blocks, Instants, and Non-Attack Actions by Ethan Van Sant
Attack Actions Pt 1 by Valera
Attack Actions Pt 2 by Kenny Suzuki
Non-Mechanologist Cards by Jonah Lara