Part the Mistveil Set Review – Commoner

Part the Mistveil Set Review - Commoner

Check out our final review of the new Flesh and Blood set, Part the Mistveil. This edition looks at the potential standouts for the Commoner format.

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Part the Mistveil Set Review – Ninja and Generic

Part the Mistveil Set Review - Ninja & Generic

The Part the Mistveil reviews continue with the Ninja and generic cards, and a look at the new hero, Zen.

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Part the Mistveil Set Review – Assassin

Part the Mistveil Review - Assassin

Part the Mistveil reviews continue, with this article focusing on the Assassin class and the new hero Nuu, Alluring Desire.

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Part the Mistveil Set Review – Expansion Slots

Part the Mistveil Review - Expansion

We’re kicking off Part the Mistveil reviews by looking at the Expansion slot cards with Ethan “Man Sant.” Come check out the exciting new cards in this set!

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Heavy Hitters Set Review – Guardian

Heavy Hitters Set Review - Guardian

We’re not done with Heavy Hitters yet! Today we’re checking out all the set has to offer for the Guardian class. Which cards will impact Blitz and Classic Constructed?

#betsy, #fab, #fatigue, #flesh and blood, #guardian, #heavy hitters, #set review, #victor Read More »

Heavy Hitters Set Review – Warrior

Heavy Hitters Set Review - Warrior

Our Heavy Hitters reviews continue with the Warrior class. How will Kassai and Olympia affect the meta? Which cards should you take in Heavy Hitters draft?

#cintari saber, #fab, #flesh and blood, #gold, #heavy hitters, #kassai, #olympia, #set review, #warrior Read More »

Heavy Hitters Set Review – Brute

Heavy Hitters Review - Brute

The Heavy Hitters reviews continue, with this installment focusing on the Brute class and its effects on the metagame.

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Heavy Hitters Set Review – Generics and the Expansion Slot

Heavy Hitters review - Generic and Expansion

Does Heavy Hitters have anything to offer outside of Brute, Guardian, and Warrior? Absolutely! Check out this review of the generics and expansion slot.

#assassin, #fab, #flesh and blood, #generic, #heavy hitters, #illusionist, #mechanologist, #ninja, #ranger, #runeblade, #set review Read More »

The Best Heavy Hitters Cards for Commoner

Heavy Hitters Commoner Review

We’re kicking off our reviews of Heavy Hitters, the latest set from Flesh and Blood, with a look at the best cards for the Commoner format.

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The Best Bright Lights and Round the Table Cards for Commoner

Rev Up

Come check out Daniel’s picks for the best cards from Bright Lights and Round the Table for Commoner.

#Bright Lights, #Commoner, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mechanologist, #round the table, #set review Read More »