Dash, Database – Skirmish Pile
(Boom Grenade | Art by Sebastian Szmyd)
Under the neon lights of Metrix, a small skirmish had broken out with a purple-haired woman involved in the fight proper, rather than her usual thievery. Armed with a not-so-small supply of items and a borrowed gun, time would tell how well it might go.
Hey friends! This article is a little different from my usual analysis of items or jank brews. Instead, the prospect of winning a cold foil Teklo Core has driven me to work on a slightly more serious Blitz deck, and I wanted to talk about it. If it ends up doing well I’ll put my placements here – I got a Top 8.
Run Them Down
When it comes to my weapon of choice for this Skirmish session, I’ve chosen to run at the opponent fast as possible, this time with Dash, Database. This Dash provides a unique angle and challenge to the game that I appreciate, with having to track the top card and decide when to weave in instant-speed items.
Like the original Dash before her, Dash, Database is an aggressive deck with the goal of reducing the opponent’s life to zero as fast as possible, this time with Boom Grenade and other value-making items. Since Dash, Database is still Dash, we have access to Spark of Genius and Teklo Core. Spark has the added utility of being a turn extender by searching for a zero cost item with crank and drawing a card.
"Datadash go brr"
Proceed Forwards
Dash, Database follows the same thought process as traditional Dash, proceeding forwards until the opponent dies. Even though this deck lacks the high explosivity of Maximum Velocity and Twin Drive, it makes up for it with consistent damage and threatening turns, with the surprise damage from grenades. Sometimes this means you’ll find the bricky hands that do very little, and other times it means taking a gamble on if you’ll die to your opponent or not. Whatever may happen, you just need to proceed forwards and run your opponent down.
The downside to presenting surprise damage and shooting a gun multiple times is that there are many things to consider, and your lines will have a lot of permutations based on the top of your deck. Consistent pressure and being able to always have something you can do is the main goal, that way you can try to always take a card from your opponent.
In the sideboard there’s a package to help deal with control decks: Convection Amplifier, Goliath Gauntlet and Throttle. Using the Amplifier to give a Throttle dominate with a buff from Gauntlet and Hadron Collider to try to push through their blocks is the goal here. Mini Forcefield is there to mitigate high amounts of damage from someone like Bravo. The last slot can be Viziertronic Model i if you want to respect Emperor, Dracai of Aesir, or a Backup Protocol: RED to keep pressure going and retrieve your best attack.
Find the Flow
While this deck isn’t exactly odd or necessarily janky, it is a lot of fun to play. Sometimes you need to play a deck that’s more competitive and focused than a pile with a fun goal at its epicenter, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Find a hero you enjoy or think plays the game in a fun way and start from there. If you know what you like to play, take that deck or hero and tune it up to the best of your ability. Even for a Skirmish your goal doesn’t have to be winning; just take something you know you’d enjoy playing and pilot it to the best of your ability.
At the end of the day, you’re there to play a game for hours on end in a local game store for some shiny cards and playmats. So have fun. And if the prizes are something you really want, find the best deck you can make with your favorite hero. Otherwise just make a good time out of it.
As always, I hope you have fun and that your brews are ever so interesting.
Further Reading:
How to Build Data Doll in Blitz