What if We Built Benji as a Control Deck?

Benji, Piercing Wind

Let’s re-examine Benji, the Piercing Wind as a control deck, using some new Ninja tools.

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Nuu – CnC (Casual and Competitive)

Nuu, Alluring Desire

Curious about the new alluring Assassin from Part the Mistveil? Then check out this rundown on Nuu to see how she fares in your favorite Flesh and Blood format.

#assassin, #blitz, #cc, #flesh and blood, #mystic, #nuu, #part the mistveil, #upf Read More »

Precon Progression – Zen Blitz Deck

Zen Blitz Deck Upgrade

Looking to upgrade that new Zen Blitz precon you picked up? Kenny’s got you covered with several options along all budget levels for this Part the Mistveil hero.

#blitz, #mystic, #ninja, #part the mistveil, #precon, #upgrade, #zen Read More »

Bonk ‘Em with Kayo: a Blitz Deck Tech


Looking to try out Brute in Blitz? Then check out this deck tech for Kayo, the one-armed hero from Heavy Hitters.

#aggro, #blitz, #brute, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mandible claw, #windup Read More »

Precon Progression – Enigma Blitz Deck

Enigma Blitz Precon

Wanna take Flesh and Blood’s newest Illusionist to a Blitz tournament? Then check out this upgrade guide for the Enigma preconstructed deck.

#blitz, #enigma, #illusionist, #part the mistveil, #precon, #upgrade Read More »

Zen – CnC (Casual and Competitive)

Zen, Tamer of Purpose

Wanna know more about Zen, one of the new heroes from Part the Mistveil? Check out this article to see how well he plays in each format.

#blitz, #cc, #classic constructed, #Combo, #crouching tiger, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mystic, #ninja, #part the mistveil, #ultimate pit fight, #upf, #zen, #zen tamer of purpose Read More »

The Best Part the Mistveil Cards for Blitz

Aspect of Tiger

Part the Mistveil is already making its mark on Classic Constructed, but what does the set have to offer for Blitz players? Find out here!

#assassin, #blitz, #enigma, #illusionist, #mst, #ninja, #nuu, #part the mistveil, #zen Read More »

Enigma – CnC (Casual and Competitive)


Wanna know more about our new Illusionist from Part the Mistveil? Then check out this article all about Enigma and how she fares in different formats.

#blitz, #cc, #enigma, #fab, #flesh and blood, #illusionist, #part the mistveil, #upf Read More »

Part the Mistveil Set Review – Blitz Decks

Part the Mistveil Set Review - Blitz Decks

We leave the main Part the Mistveil set behind to discuss the preconstructed Blitz decks. How do you play them? Which ones are best? Find out here.

#blitz, #enigma, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mst, #nuu, #part the mistveil, #precon, #review, #zen Read More »

The Power of Equipment in Blitz

Glory Seeker

Choosing the right equipment for your Blitz deck is crucial, with the need to balance utility and blocking. Check this article to learn more.

#blitz, #block, #equipment, #fab, #flesh and blood Read More »