Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Total Deck Cost: $1,603.67

Rhinar, Reckless Rampage

Dexter Phan for Battle Hardened: Pittsburgh
Weapons & Equipment (8)
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 Gambler's Gloves
1 Heartened Cross Strap
2 Mandible Claw
1 Nullrune Gloves
1 Scabskin Leathers
1 Scowling Flesh Bag
Red (35)
3 Alpha Rampage
2 Barraging Beatdown (Red)
1 Cadaverous Contraband (Red)
3 Command and Conquer
3 Enlightened Strike
1 Erase Face
3 Fate Foreseen
2 Oasis Respite (Red)
3 Pack Hunt (Red)
2 Savage Beatdown
3 Savage Feast (Red)
3 Sink Below (Red)
3 Skull Crack
3 Swing Big
Yellow (19)
1 Argh... Smash!
1 Barraging Beatdown (Yellow)
3 Beast Within
3 Bloodrush Bellow
2 Reincarnate (Yellow)
1 Remembrance
2 Riled Up (Yellow)
3 Smash Instinct (Yellow)
3 That All You Got?
Blue (17)
3 Barraging Beatdown (Blue)
1 Eye of Ophidia
2 High Roller (Blue)
3 Hold the Line
2 Reckless Swing
3 Warmonger's Diplomacy
3 Wrecker Romp (Blue)