Living Legends
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Living Legends
Price Hub
I am the hidden button π€«
TCG Low - 2 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Humble (AKO009)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Visit the Golden Anvil (MST226)
Truce (ROS219)
Machinations of Dominion (ROS118)
Seeds of Tomorrow (ROS035)
Call to the Grave (ROS218)
Agility (AKO027)
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Tenacity (HVY211)
Unsheathed (ROS248)
Stone Rain (AAZ016)
Barbed Undertow (OUT101)
Heist (EVO138)
Fyendal's Spring Tunic (U-CRU178)
Tome of Imperial Flame (EVO245)
Blood on Her Hands (EVR055)
Eye of Ophidia (U-ARC000-RF)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Redback Shroud (OUT011)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Codex of Frailty (OUT160)
Prism, Advent of Thrones (HER084)
Amnesia (OUT183)
Top Falling Prices
Ironsong Determination (U-WTR122)
Pulsewave Protocol (EVO058)
Pummel (U-WTR206)
Meganetic Protocol (EVO059)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Coercive Tendency (HVY246)
Insidious Chill (UPR140)
Dishonor (OUT051)
Eloquent Eulogy (MST237)
Germinate (ROS004)
Sink Below (1HP408)
War Machine (EVO056)
Construct Nitro Mechanoid // Nitro Mechanoid (DYN092-RF)
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Swarming Gloomveil (EVR105)
Singularity // Teklovossen, the Mechropotent (EVO010)
Terminator Tank (EVO055)
Great Library of Solana (U-MON000-RF)
New Horizon (U-ELE213-RF)
Codex of Bloodrot (OUT159)
Korshem, Crossroad of Elements (U-ELE000-RF)
Beast Within (1HP011)
Remorseless (1HP230)
Vynnset (HER085)
Twin Drive (EVO142)
TCG Low - 2 Days - Ordered by Total Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Eye of Ophidia (U-ARC000-RF)
Fyendal's Spring Tunic (U-CRU178)
Tome of Imperial Flame (EVO245)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Codex of Frailty (OUT160)
Storm Striders (1HP305)
Heist (EVO138)
Machinations of Dominion (ROS118)
Truce (ROS219)
Valiant Dynamo (U-MON107-RF)
Mask of Momentum (1HP095)
The Weakest Link (MST192)
Unsheathed (ROS248)
Call to the Grave (ROS218)
Nuu (MST002-MV)
Scowling Flesh Bag (DTD200)
Balance of Justice (HVY195-RF)
Prism, Advent of Thrones (HER084)
Seeds of Tomorrow (ROS035)
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Agility (AKO027)
Tenacity (HVY211)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Top Falling Prices
Great Library of Solana (U-MON000-RF)
New Horizon (U-ELE213-RF)
Phantasmal Footsteps (U-MON089-RF)
Light of Sol (DTD000)
Korshem, Crossroad of Elements (U-ELE000-RF)
Enigma (MST026-MV)
Heart of Fyendal (U-WTR000-RF)
Construct Nitro Mechanoid // Nitro Mechanoid (DYN092-RF)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Swarming Gloomveil (EVR105)
Singularity // Teklovossen, the Mechropotent (EVO010)
Yorick, Weaver of Tales (LSS004)
Carrion Husk (U-MON187-RF)
Vestige of Sol (U-MON060-RF)
Hidden Agenda (AAZ005)
Coercive Tendency (HVY246)
Evo Soul Steel Legs (EVO029_V2)
Twin Drive (EVO142)
Eloquent Eulogy (MST237)
Braveforge Bracers (1HP144)
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Felling of the Crown (ROS031)
Germinate (ROS004)
Remorseless (1HP230)
Codex of Bloodrot (OUT159)
TCG Mid - 2 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Erase Face (UPR187)
Agility (AKO027)
Crackling (AUR015)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Herald of Triumph (MON009)
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Amnesia (OUT183)
Humble (AKO009)
Harness Lightning (AUR013)
Sizzle (AUR021)
Apocalypse Automaton (TCC011)
Tri-shot (EVR089)
Kassai of the Golden Sand // Kassai of the Golden Sand (HVY090)
Endless Maw (MON126)
Visit Goldmane Estate (MST225)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Mark of the Beast (U-MON124)
Seasoned Saviour (DYN026)
Null <> Shock (ROS023-RF)
Nuu, Alluring Desire (MST001)
Valda, Brightaxe (HER051-CF)
Dabble in Darkness (DTD169)
Bone Basher (RVD002)
Redback Shroud (OUT011)
Jack-o'-lantern (LGS178)
Top Falling Prices
Germinate (ROS004)
Maul (MST162)
Flicker Wisp (U-ELE065)
Exposed to the Elements (ELE093)
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Frost Hex (UPR126)
Evo Speedslip (MST231)
Orbitoclast (OUT008)
Spreading Plague (OUT014)
Pay Up (HVY208)
Tome of the Arknight (U-ARC084)
Tome of Torment (U-MON194)
Earth's Embrace (ROS034)
Uprising (UPR088)
Steelblade Supremacy (1HP152)
Saving Grace (ASB025)
Visit the Blacksmith (DVR022)
Feign Death (1HP233)
Thaw (UPR086)
Dishonor (OUT051)
Squizzy & Floof (HER100)
Iyslander (EVR120)
Amplifying Arrow (OUT100)
Unforgetting Unforgiving (AJV013)
Figment of Triumph // Victoria, Archangel of Triumph (DTD011)
TCG Mid - 2 Days - Ordered by Total Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Eye of Ophidia (U-ARC000-RF)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Proclamation of Combat (JDG025)
Codex of Frailty (OUT160)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Apex Bonebreaker (HVY008-RF)
Amnesia (OUT183)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Blacktek Whisperers (DYN117-RF)
Balance of Justice (HVY195-RF)
Figment of Erudition // Suraya, Archangel of Erudition (DTD005-MVL)
The Weakest Link (MST192)
Chane, Bound by Shadow (HER033-CF)
Grasp of the Arknight (U-ARC078-RF)
Redback Shroud (OUT011)
Scowling Flesh Bag (DTD200)
Kayo // Kayo (HVY002_V2)
Shriek Razors (EVO235)
Agility (AKO027)
Yorick, Weaver of Tales (LSS004)
Storm Striders (1HP305)
Stonewall Gauntlet (MST190-RF)
Prism, Advent of Thrones (HER084)
Blade Flurry (HVY101)
Top Falling Prices
Germinate (ROS004)
Tiger Stripe Shuko (UPR158-RF)
Phantasmal Footsteps (U-MON089-RF)
Felling of the Crown (ROS031)
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
New Horizon (U-ELE213-RF)
Spirit of Eirina (DYN066-RF)
Plow Under (ROS032)
Blood of the Dracai (UPR000)
Great Library of Solana (U-MON000-RF)
Heart of Ice (U-ELE144-RF)
Tectonic Plating (1HP047)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Light of Sol (DTD000)
Stab Wound (OUT142)
Face Purgatory (ROS114)
Eloquence (FAB154)
Swarming Gloomveil (EVR105)
Spreading Plague (OUT014)
Figment of Triumph // Victoria, Archangel of Triumph (DTD011)
Diadem of Dreamstate (DTD217)
Saving Grace (ASB025)
Leave No Witnesses (DYN120)
Dyadic Carapace (DTD211)
Spreading Flames (UPR049)
TCG Market - 2 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Take the Tempo (UPR161)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Break Tide (EVR038)
Frost Lock (U-ELE035)
Cyclone Roundhouse (OUT050)
Evo Tekloscope (EVO038)
Snag (U-CRU182)
The Weakest Link (MST192)
That All You Got? (UPR189)
Stab Wound (OUT142)
Heat Seeker (DYN153)
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Looking for a Scrap (OUT195)
Radiant Forcefield (DTD081)
Mask of Momentum (1HP095)
Demolition Protocol (EVO057)
Unsheathed (ROS248)
Chokeslam (1HP070)
Call to the Grave (ROS218)
T-Bone (EVR075)
Show Time! (U-WTR047)
Pay Up (HVY208)
Count Your Blessings (ROS224)
Widespread Ruin (DTD139)
Top Falling Prices
Invoke Miragai // Miragai (UPR012)
// Miragai (UPR012-BACK)
Runeblood Incantation (EVR107)
Squizzy & Floof (HER100)
Nerves of Steel (EVR023)
// Tomeltai (UPR007-BACK)
Invoke Tomeltai // Tomeltai (UPR007)
Rewind (UPR169-RF)
Visit the Golden Anvil (MST226)
Kassai of the Golden Sand // Kassai of the Golden Sand (HVY090)
Frost Hex (UPR126)
Bingo (EVR156)
Signal Jammer (EVR071)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Pounding Gale (U-WTR085)
Invoke Vynserakai // Vynserakai (UPR016)
// Vynserakai (UPR016-BACK)
Dust from the Red Desert (DYN003)
Miraging Metamorph (EVR139)
Bios Update (DYN091)
Steel Street Enforcement (EVO060)
Release the Tension (EVR091)
Righteous Cleansing (1HP052)
Beast Within (1HP011)
Stone Rain (AAZ016)
TCG Market - 2 Days - Ordered by Total Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
The Weakest Link (MST192)
Mask of Momentum (1HP095)
Valiant Dynamo (U-MON107-RF)
Tome of Imperial Flame (EVO245)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Snag (U-CRU182)
That All You Got? (UPR189)
Fyendal's Spring Tunic (U-CRU178)
Blade Flurry (HVY101)
Stab Wound (OUT142)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Carrion Husk (U-MON187-RF)
Unsheathed (ROS248)
Trench of Sunken Treasure (OUT094-RF)
Call to the Grave (ROS218)
Censor (DTD226)
Apex Bonebreaker (HVY008-RF)
Flamescale Furnace (UPR084-RF)
Evo Soul Steel Head (EVO026_V2)
Gone in a Flash (ROS076)
Take the Tempo (UPR161)
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Teklo Core (U-ARC007)
Ancestral Harmony (HVY247)
Top Falling Prices
Rewind (UPR169-RF)
Just a Nick (MST105)
// Suraya, Archangel of Knowledge (DYN212-MVBACK)
Winds of Eternity (EVR040)
Adaptive Plating (EVO013)
Seasoned Savior (DYN026-MV)
Heist (EVO138)
Miraging Metamorph (EVR139)
Beast Within (1HP011)
Grasp of the Arknight (U-ARC078-RF)
Crown of Providence (DTD221)
Crown of Dominion (DYN234-RF)
Machinations of Dominion (ROS118)
Squizzy & Floof (HER100)
Stalagmite, Bastion of Isenloft (EVR018-CF)
Command and Conquer (1HP360)
Bonds of Agony (MST103)
Warmonger's Diplomacy (DTD230)
Nerves of Steel (EVR023)
Zen (MST047-MV)
Scowling Flesh Bag (DTD200)
Stonewall Gauntlet (MST190-RF)
Levels of Enlightenment (MST077)
Evo Steel Soul Controller (EVO028)
Stone Rain (AAZ016)
TCG Low - 2 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - No Price Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Scout the Periphery (OUT227)
Spire Sniping (OUT130)
Seeker's Hood (OUT175)
Aspect of Tiger: Mind (MST166)
Humble (AKO009)
Fertile Ground (ROS067)
Fertile Ground (ROS068)
Fertile Ground (ROS069)
Light the Way (DTD066)
Impulsive Desire (MST122)
Aqua Seeing Shell (MST067)
Widowmaker (OUT134)
Mind's Desire (MST125)
Hand Behind the Pen (ROS220)
Blossoming Decay (ROS051)
Strong Yield (ROS064)
Cadaverous Tilling (ROS053)
Sprocket Rocket (EVO194)
Blossoming Decay (ROS050)
Warmonger's Recital (MON299)
Arcanic Spike (ROS135)
Deadwood Dirge (ROS156)
Arcanic Spike (ROS136)
Arcane Polarity (ROS233)
Top Falling Prices
Puncture (DYN081)
Spectral Prowler (DYN224)
Slay the Scholars (DYN145)
Spectral Prowler (DYN225)
Sap (DYN208)
Pouncing Qi (DYN058)
Puncture (DYN080)
Ironsong Determination (U-WTR122)
Pulsewave Protocol (EVO058)
Hurricane Technique (U-WTR084)
Pummel (U-WTR206)
Blade Runner (EVR060)
Meganetic Protocol (EVO059)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Coercive Tendency (HVY246)
Insidious Chill (UPR140)
Dishonor (OUT051)
Eloquent Eulogy (MST237)
Germinate (ROS004)
Sink Below (1HP408)
War Machine (EVO056)
Construct Nitro Mechanoid // Nitro Mechanoid (DYN092-RF)
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Swarming Gloomveil (EVR105)
Singularity // Teklovossen, the Mechropotent (EVO010)
TCG Low - 2 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - All printings of cards (not just cheapest)
Top Rising Prices
Thump (OLD029)
Bruised Leather (VER004)
Teklo Core (ARC007-RF)
Sanctuary of Aria (VER028)
Sigil of Fyendal (VER026)
Raise an Army (HVY105)
Even Bigger Than That! (FAB060-RF)
Glint the Quicksilver (WTR118-RF)
Pummel (1HP399)
Mask of Momentum (WTR079-CF)
Beaten Trackers (AKO006)
Unmovable (U-WTR214-RF)
Humble (AKO009)
Sow Tomorrow (BRI025)
Reckless Swing (U-WTR008)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Visit the Golden Anvil (MST226)
Grains of Bloodspill (HVY097-CF)
Stab Wound (OUT142-RF)
Erase Face (UPR187-RF)
Truce (ROS219)
Even Bigger Than That! (FAB058-RF)
Machinations of Dominion (ROS118)
Seeds of Tomorrow (ROS035)
Snag (U-CRU182-RF)
Top Falling Prices
Rapid Fire (U-ARC047-RF)
Flock of the Feather Walkers (WTR182-RF)
Barraging Beatdown (WTR019-RF)
Oaken Old (U-ELE005-RF)
Buckling Blow (WTR057-RF)
Breakneck Battery (WTR012-RF)
Seduce Secrets (HVY212-RF)
Ironsong Determination (U-WTR122)
Pulsewave Protocol (EVO058)
Pummel (U-WTR206)
Cintari Saber (CRU080)
Mauvrion Skies (CRU147)
Codex of Inertia (OUT161-MVL)
Meganetic Protocol (EVO059)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Miraging Metamorph (EVR139-RF)
Coercive Tendency (HVY246)
Silverwind Shuriken (OUT054-CF)
Insidious Chill (UPR140)
Volzar, the Lightning Rod (ROS021-CF)
Dishonor (OUT051)
Ironsong Determination (WTR122)
Plan for the Worst (ROS247-RF)
Overpower (WTR125-RF)
Eloquent Eulogy (MST237)
TCG Low - 2 Days - Ordered by Total Change - $0.25 Threshold - All printings of cards (not just cheapest)
Top Rising Prices
Mask of Momentum (WTR079-CF)
Teklo Core (ARC007-RF)
Glint the Quicksilver (WTR118-RF)
Arcanite Skullcap (ARC150-CF)
Tectonic Plating (WTR041-CF)
Skullbone Crosswrap (ARC041-CF)
Grains of Bloodspill (HVY097-CF)
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Eye of Ophidia (U-ARC000-RF)
Fyendal's Spring Tunic (U-CRU178)
Flick Knives (OUT139-CF)
Erase Face (UPR187-RF)
Even Bigger Than That! (FAB058-RF)
Stab Wound (OUT142-RF)
Tome of Imperial Flame (EVO245)
Snag (U-CRU182-RF)
Trench of Sunken Treasure (OUT094-EA)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Codex of Frailty (OUT160)
Even Bigger Than That! (FAB060-RF)
// Yendurai (UPR017-MVBACK)
Invoke Yendurai // Yendurai (UPR017-MVL)
Invoke Yendurai // Yendurai (UPR017-MV)
Homage to Ancestors // Inner Chi (MST096-MV)
Razor Reflex (WTR209-RF)
Top Falling Prices
Codex of Inertia (OUT161-MVL)
Great Library of Solana (U-MON000-RF)
Barraging Beatdown (WTR019-RF)
New Horizon (U-ELE213-RF)
Phantasmal Footsteps (U-MON089-RF)
Buckling Blow (WTR057-RF)
Oaken Old (U-ELE005-RF)
Flock of the Feather Walkers (WTR182-RF)
Codex of Frailty (OUT160-MVL)
Rok (DYN005-MVL2)
Rok (DYN005-MVL)
Light of Sol (DTD000)
Ghostly Visit (FAB039)
Codex of Bloodrot (OUT159-MVL)
Concealed Blade (OUT143-RF)
Silverwind Shuriken (OUT054-CF)
Miraging Metamorph (EVR139-RF)
Pummel (WTR206-RF)
Korshem, Crossroad of Elements (U-ELE000-RF)
Breakneck Battery (WTR012-RF)
Overpower (WTR125-RF)
Enigma (MST026-MV)
Construct Nitro Mechanoid // Nitro Mechanoid (DYN092-RF)
Soul Shield (MON063)
Seduce Secrets (HVY212-RF)
TCG Mid - 7 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Knucklehead (AKO003)
Stab Wound (OUT142)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Crackling (AUR015)
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Dabble in Darkness (DTD169)
Cut Through the Facade (ROS216)
Bone Basher (RVD002)
Wreck Havoc (AKO015)
Amnesia (OUT183)
Snag (U-CRU182)
Looking for a Scrap (OUT195)
Widespread Destruction (DTD138)
Agility (AKO027)
Morlock Hill (DTD209)
Jack-o'-lantern (LGS178)
Dust from the Red Desert (DYN003)
Blood Dripping Frenzy (DTD111)
Territorial Domain (MST163)
Ruu'di, Gem Keeper (LSS001)
Lady Barthimont (LEV002)
Herald of Triumph (MON009)
Chains of Eminence (U-ARC162)
Top Falling Prices
Ursur, the Soul Reaper (FAB042-RF)
Saving Grace (ASB025)
Vantom Banshee (LGS157)
Longdraw Half-Glove (MST232)
Wax Off (EVO239)
Bolt'n' Shot (ELE218)
Luminaris, Angel's Glow (HVY254)
Spreading Flames (UPR049)
Kayo, Armed and Dangerous // Kayo, Armed and Dangerous (AKO001)
Spreading Plague (OUT014)
Shake Down (OUT013)
Lumina Lance (DTD080-RF)
Maul (MST162)
Nasty Surprise (HVY207)
Figment of War // Bellona, Archangel of War (DTD012)
Plasma Mainline (DYN093)
Flicker Wisp (U-ELE065)
Heat Seeker (DYN153)
Ripple Away (HVY209)
Unravel Aggression (MST078)
Graven Call (HVY245)
Figment of Ravages // Sekem, Archangel of Ravages (DTD008)
Double Strike (UPR160)
Herald of Erudition (U-MON004)
Exposed to the Elements (ELE093)
TCG Market - 7 Days - Ordered by Percent Change - $0.25 Threshold - Only cheapest printings
Top Rising Prices
Oath of Steel (EVR056)
Resounding Courage (DTD069-RF)
Barraging Beatdown (1HP022)
Emperor, Dracai of Aesir (DYN001-RF)
Flick Knives (OUT139-RF)
Stab Wound (OUT142)
Snag (U-CRU182)
Looking for a Scrap (OUT195)
This Round's on Me (EVR160)
That All You Got? (UPR189)
Erase Face (UPR187)
Knives Out (OUT144)
T-Bone (EVR075)
Pummel (U-WTR206)
Frost Fang (U-ELE148)
Jack-o'-lantern (LGS177)
Apocalypse Automaton (TCC011)
Widow Web Crawler (ROS242)
Taipanis, Dracai of Judgement (JDG002)
Call to the Grave (ROS218)
Blade Flurry (HVY101)
Spreading Flames (UPR049)
Heat Seeker (DYN153)
Looming Doom (DYN175)
Mask of Momentum (1HP095)
Top Falling Prices
Regicide (DYN121)
Invoke Miragai // Miragai (UPR012)
// Miragai (UPR012-BACK)
Just a Nick (MST105)
Crumble to Eternity (AJV017)
Aether Crackers (AUR005)
Miraging Metamorph (EVR139)
Calming Cloak (ROS249)
Runeblood Incantation (EVR107)
Semblance (UPR154)
Pulverize (EVR021)
Hatchet of Body (BOL003)
Bolt'n' Shot (ELE217)
Spinning Wheel Kick (OUT062)
Frozen to Death (AJV020)
Frightmare (UPR153)
// Tomeltai (UPR007-BACK)
Invoke Tomeltai // Tomeltai (UPR007)
Channel Thunder Steppe (ELE175)
Channel Mount Isen (AJV018)
Imposing Visage (EVR022)
Drill Shot (AAZ010)
Shadow of Ursur (U-MON156)
Pay Day (DYN123)
Brainstorm (DYN196)
last updated 5 hrs ago