Iyslander, Stormbind
Total Deck Cost: $713.02

Iyslander, Stormbind

Jordan Brengartner for The Calling San Jose Main Event
Weapons & Equipment (7)
1 Alluvion Constellas
1 Coronet Peak
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 Ironhide Gauntlet
1 Metacarpus Node
1 Storm Striders
1 Waning Moon
Red (27)
3 Aether Hail (Red)
3 Aether Icevein (Red)
3 Command and Conquer
3 Encase
3 Erase Face
3 Freezing Point
3 Oasis Respite (Red)
3 Sigil of Permafrost (Red)
3 Sink Below (Red)
Yellow (4)
3 Aether Icevein (Yellow)
1 Sigil of Permafrost (Yellow)
Blue (42)
3 Aether Hail (Blue)
2 Aether Icevein (Blue)
2 Amulet of Ice
3 Arctic Incarceration (Blue)
2 Blizzard
3 Channel Lake Frigid
2 Channel the Bleak Expanse
3 Cold Snap (Blue)
1 Energy Potion
3 Frost Hex
3 Frosting (Blue)
3 Hypothermia
3 Ice Bolt (Blue)
3 Ice Eternal
3 Insidious Chill
3 Winter's Bite (Blue)