Kano, Dracai of Aether
Total Deck Cost: $785.08

Kano, Dracai of Aether

Ronan Sovitzky for Battle Hardened: Milwaukee
Weapons & Equipment (8)
1 Alluvion Constellas
1 Crucible of Aetherweave
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 Metacarpus Node
1 Ragamuffin's Hat
1 Spellfire Cloak
1 Storm Striders
1 Waning Moon
Red (26)
3 Aether Dart (Red)
3 Aether Flare (Red)
3 Aether Spindle (Red)
3 Aether Wildfire
3 Blazing Aether
1 Nourishing Emptiness
2 Oasis Respite (Red)
3 Sink Below (Red)
2 Snapback (Red)
3 Tome of Aetherwind
Yellow (10)
1 Chain Lightning
3 Lesson in Lava
3 Sonic Boom
3 Tome of Fyendal
Blue (33)
3 Aether Dart (Blue)
3 Aether Flare (Blue)
3 Aether Quickening (Blue)
3 Aether Spindle (Blue)
3 Emeritus Scolding (Blue)
3 Energy Potion
1 Eye of Ophidia
3 Gaze the Ages
2 Potion of Déjà Vu
3 Prognosticate (Blue)
3 Reverberate (Blue)
3 Voltic Bolt (Blue)