Evergreen – Nuu, Alluring Desire

Nuu, Alluring Desire

Looking to try Nuu in Classic Constructed? Then check out this in-depth guide to all the nuances and variations that go into playing the Mystic Assassin.

#assassin, #classic constructed, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mystic, #nuu, #part the mistveil Read More »

Mystic 101 – Part 5: The Zen Commandments

Harmony of the Hunt

Can Zen have the same impact in the Commoner format that he’s had in Classic Constructed? Is there room for him in an already crowded aggro meta? Find out here.

#Commoner, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mystic, #ninja, #part the mistveil, #zen Read More »

Attacking The Blitz Meta for Season 9


Want to know the best ways to counter the top decks in the Flesh and Blood Blitz meta? Then check out this article before you hit your local Skirmish event.

#blitz, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mistveil, #season 9, #skirmish, #zen Read More »

A Review of Flesh and Blood Pro Tour Amsterdam

Pro Tour Amsterdam

Check out this exciting tournament coverage of Flesh and Blood Pro Tour: Amsterdam. In this meta dominated by Part the Mistveil heroes, who will come out on top?

#amsterdam, #assassin, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mistveil, #ninja, #pro tour, #tournament Read More »