Taking the Tempo in Flesh and Blood

Torrent of Tempo

Looking to up your Flesh and Blood competitive gameplay? Then don’t miss this article dedicated to one of the most important concepts of the game: tempo.

##theory, #classic constructed, #fab, #flesh and blood, #strategy, #tempo Read More »

Three Blitz Decks to Try in the Offseason

Embodiment of Lightning

Blitz is in the offseason right now, so it’s the perfect time to experiment with some underplayed heroes. Check this article for three options.

#blitz, #briar, #emperor, #fab, #flesh and blood, #kayo, #meta, #metagame Read More »

Ultimate Pit Fight with Vynnset!


Looking to take a new deck for a spin in your multi-player Flesh and Blood games? Then check out this deck tech for the Shadow Runeblade hero Vynnset.

#fab, #flesh and blood, #multiplayer, #shadow, #shadow runeblade, #ultimate pit fight, #upf, #vynnset Read More »

Saying Goodbye to Dromai

Dromai, Ash Artist

Dromai, Ash Artist has become a Living Legend. Let’s take a moment to look back at the Draconic Illusionist hero’s history and impact on Flesh and Blood.

#draconic, #Dromai, #fab, #flesh and blood, #illusionist, #living legend Read More »

Brute in Commoner – Part 3: Levia


Is Levia the best Brute hero for Commoner? What are the best cards to play with her? Find out here!

#brute, #Commoner, #fab, #flesh and blood, #levia, #shadow Read More »

Katsu – CnC (Casual and Competitive)

Katsu the Wanderer

Wondering if Katsu is the right choice for your next hero? Then check out this article showing how to play him in every format.

#blitz, #cc, #classic constructed, #deck, #fab, #flesh and blood, #hero, #Katsu, #katsu the wanderer, #misteria, #ninja, #ultimate pit fight, #upf Read More »

How to Win a Flesh and Blood Mirror Match

That All You Got

How do you prep for a mirror match in Flesh and Blood? Check out this article for some tips and tricks.

#fab, #flesh and blood, #matchup, #mirror match, #sideboard, #strategy, #tournament Read More »

Precon Progression – Betsy Blitz Deck


Wanna take the Betsy precon from Heavy Hitters to a Skirmish event? Click here to learn how to upgrade the deck before you bring it in the arena!

#betsy, #blitz, #fab, #flesh and blood, #guardian, #precon, #upgrade, #wage Read More »

Dorinthea, Quicksilver Prodigy – The Fountain of Youth

Dorinthea, Quicksilver Prodigy

Looking to try out an underplayed hero in Blitz? Then take a look at this tech for the overlooked version of the Warrior Dorinthea, Quicksilver Prodigy.

#blitz, #Dawnblade, #dori, #Dorinthea, #fab, #flesh and blood, #warrior Read More »

A Review of Calling: Phuket!

Calling: Phuket

Miss the action from Calling: Phuket? Then check out this Flesh and Blood tournament report for all the biggest moments from the games.

#brodie spurlock, #calling phuket, #fab, #flesh and blood, #pudding tam, #report, #tournament Read More »