Uzuri, Switchblade
Total Deck Cost: $1,103.15

Uzuri, Switchblade

Bino Nolting for Battle Hardened: Hannover
Weapons & Equipment (7)
1 Arcane Lantern
1 Blacktek Whisperers
1 Crown of Providence
1 Flick Knives
1 Nerve Scalpel
1 Snapdragon Scalers
1 Spider's Bite
Red (49)
3 Already Dead
3 Command and Conquer
3 Death Touch (Red)
3 Down and Dirty
3 Enlightened Strike
3 Fate Foreseen
3 Hurl (Red)
3 Infect (Red)
3 Isolate (Red)
3 Leave No Witnesses
1 Nimble Strike (Red)
3 Nimblism (Red)
2 Oasis Respite (Red)
3 Scar for a Scar (Red)
3 Shake Down
3 Shred (Red)
3 Sink Below (Red)
1 Wreck Havoc (Red)
Yellow (12)
2 Codex of Bloodrot
3 Codex of Frailty
3 Isolate (Yellow)
3 Shred (Yellow)
1 Spreading Plague
Blue (12)
3 Back Stab (Blue)
3 Isolate (Blue)
3 Shred (Blue)
3 Surgical Extraction