Lexi, Livewire
Total Deck Cost: $878.37

Lexi, Livewire

Edward Knight for Battle Hardened: Chicago
Weapons & Equipment (8)
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 Hornet's Sting
1 New Horizon
1 Perch Grapplers
1 Quiver of Rustling Leaves
1 Snapdragon Scalers
1 Trench of Sunken Treasure
1 Voltaire, Strike Twice
Red (47)
2 Arctic Incarceration (Red)
2 Battering Bolt
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Red)
2 Down and Dirty
3 Drill Shot (Red)
3 Endless Arrow
3 Falcon Wing (Red)
3 Fatigue Shot (Red)
2 Hamstring Shot (Red)
3 Heat Seeker
3 Infecting Shot (Red)
1 Lightning Surge (Red)
3 Premeditate
3 Remorseless
3 Searing Shot (Red)
3 Sleep Dart (Red)
3 Three of a Kind
2 Withering Shot (Red)
Yellow (9)
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Yellow)
3 Codex of Frailty
3 Rain Razors
Blue (16)
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Blue)
1 Drill Shot (Blue)
2 Frost Lock
1 Hamstring Shot (Blue)
3 Infecting Shot (Blue)
3 Searing Shot (Blue)
3 Winter's Bite (Blue)