Total Deck Cost: $229.21


Scott Khuu for Battle Hardened: San Jose
Weapons & Equipment (10)
1 Dream Weavers
1 Goliath Gauntlet
1 Halo of Illumination
1 Luminaris
1 Nullrune Boots
1 Nullrune Gloves
1 Nullrune Hood
1 Nullrune Robe
1 Phantasmal Footsteps
1 Vestige of Sol
Red (10)
2 Enigma Chimera (Red)
2 Fractal Replication
2 Miraging Metamorph
2 Prismatic Shield (Red)
2 Wartune Herald (Red)
Yellow (20)
2 Genesis
2 Herald of Erudition
2 Herald of Judgment
2 Herald of Protection (Yellow)
2 Herald of Ravages (Yellow)
2 Herald of Triumph (Yellow)
2 Merciful Retribution
2 Pummel (Yellow)
2 Tome of Divinity
2 Wartune Herald (Yellow)
Blue (10)
2 Herald of Protection (Blue)
2 Herald of Ravages (Blue)
2 Herald of Rebirth (Blue)
2 Herald of Triumph (Blue)
2 Wartune Herald (Blue)