Lexi, Livewire
Total Deck Cost: $574.62

Lexi, Livewire

Shawn Reed for The Calling San Jose Main Event
Weapons & Equipment (7)
1 Bull's Eye Bracers
1 Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1 New Horizon
1 Nullrune Boots
1 Perch Grapplers
1 Shock Charmers
1 Voltaire, Strike Twice
Red (33)
3 Blizzard Bolt (Red)
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Red)
3 Chilling Icevein (Red)
3 Endless Arrow
2 Enlightened Strike
3 Fatigue Shot (Red)
3 Ice Quake (Red)
3 Icy Encounter (Red)
3 Over Flex (Red)
1 Pulse of Volthaven
3 Three of a Kind
3 Weave Ice (Red)
Yellow (18)
2 Art of War
3 Blizzard Bolt (Yellow)
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Yellow)
3 Chilling Icevein (Yellow)
3 Fatigue Shot (Yellow)
2 Ice Quake (Yellow)
2 Rain Razors
Blue (22)
3 Bolt'n' Shot (Blue)
3 Channel Lake Frigid
2 Exposed to the Elements
3 Frost Lock
3 Ice Quake (Blue)
3 Insidious Chill
3 Polar Blast (Blue)
2 Winter's Bite (Blue)