Enter the Pit Fight with Benji!

Benji, Piercing Wind

Looking for more ideas on what to play in Flesh and Blood’s multiplayer format? Then check out this deck tech for Benji, the Piercing Wind for Ultimate Pit Fight.

#Benji, #fab, #flesh and blood, #ninja, #ultimate pit fight, #upf Read More »

Mystic 101 – Part 3: Enigma, Unleashed

Cosmo, Scroll of Ancestral Tapestry

Yam dives deeper into two different playstyles for the new Enigma in the Commoner format. What’s the best way to play the new Part the Mistveil hero?

#cosmo, #enigma, #fab, #flesh and blood, #illusionist, #iris, #mystic, #part the mistveil Read More »