The Levia Ball Breaker List I Would’ve Played at ProTour Amsterdam

Levia Redeemed

Come check out the Levia list ManSant WOULD have piloted if he could play at Pro Tour Amsterdam. Something tells us it would have done well.

#amsterdam, #classic constructed, #levia, #ManSant, #preparation, #protour, #tournament Read More »

The Flesh and Blood US Nationals Meta – What Do We Know?


Is the Flesh and Blood meta uncertain as we head into Nationals? Check out this update from Ethan to see what recent events have shown about the new Mistveil heroes.

#enigma, #events, #fab, #flesh and blood, #meta, #nationals, #nuu, #part the mistveil, #tournaments, #zen Read More »

Part the Mistveil Set Review – Expansion Slots

Part the Mistveil Review - Expansion

We’re kicking off Part the Mistveil reviews by looking at the Expansion slot cards with Ethan “Man Sant.” Come check out the exciting new cards in this set!

#expansion, #mst, #part the mistveil, #set review Read More »

How to Win a Flesh and Blood Mirror Match

That All You Got

How do you prep for a mirror match in Flesh and Blood? Check out this article for some tips and tricks.

#fab, #flesh and blood, #matchup, #mirror match, #sideboard, #strategy, #tournament Read More »

The ProTour: Los Angeles Meta – What Do We Know?

Ball Lightning

Is the meta solved for the upcoming ProTour: Los Angeles? Let’s look at what we know about the Classic Constructed meta based on recent tournaments.

#classic constructed, #Dromai, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #kayo, #meta, #metagame, #protour, #tournament, #victor Read More »

Heavy Hitters Set Review – Guardian

Heavy Hitters Set Review - Guardian

We’re not done with Heavy Hitters yet! Today we’re checking out all the set has to offer for the Guardian class. Which cards will impact Blitz and Classic Constructed?

#betsy, #fab, #fatigue, #flesh and blood, #guardian, #heavy hitters, #set review, #victor Read More »

Your Guide to the Flesh and Blood Celebrational

Flesh and Blood Celebrational

The first Flesh and Blood Celebrational is happening next week! Get all your details on the event here, including the guests, the formats, and the prize.

#blitz, #celebrational, #event, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #living legend Read More »

Don’t Let Break-Even Decisions Break You in Flesh and Blood

Bloodrush Bellow

Flesh and Blood is a complex game, with many choices to make. Join Ethan as he breaks down a specific decision he made in a recent tournament.

#aggressive, #decisions, #defensive, #fab, #flesh and blood, #Levia Shadowborn Abomination, #on rate, #rhinar reckless rampage, #strategy, #value Read More »

Pro Flesh and Blood Players Tank, and You Should Too!

Burn Them All

In this edition of What to Ask and How to Answer, Ethan dives into the concept of “the tank.” What does it mean, and how does it improve your game?

#fab, #flesh and blood, #meta, #pro, #tank Read More »

Bright Lights Set Review – Blocks, Instants, and Non-Attack Actions

Bright Lights Review - Blocks, Instants, Non-Attack Actions

Week two of Bright Lights reviews kicks off with Ethan showcasing the instant, non-attack actions, and the new card type block!

#action, #block, #Bright Lights, #fab, #flesh and blood, #instant, #mechanologist, #review, #set review Read More »