Viserai, Rune Blood
Total Deck Cost: $774.97

Viserai, Rune Blood

Brandon Lenshyn for World Championship
Weapons & Equipment (7)
1 Aether Ironweave
1 Crown of Dichotomy
1 Crown of Providence
1 Grasp of the Arknight
1 Rosetta Thorn
1 Spellbound Creepers
1 Vexing Quillhand
Red (49)
3 Amplify the Arknight (Red)
3 Consuming Volition (Red)
3 Mauvrion Skies (Red)
3 Meat and Greet (Red)
3 Mordred Tide
3 Oath of the Arknight (Red)
2 Read the Runes (Red)
3 Reduce to Runechant (Red)
3 Revel in Runeblood
3 Rune Flash (Red)
2 Runeblood Incantation (Red)
3 Shrill of Skullform (Red)
2 Sigil of Suffering (Red)
2 Sink Below (Red)
3 Sonata Arcanix
3 Spellblade Assault (Red)
3 Swarming Gloomveil
2 Unmovable (Red)
Yellow (3)
3 Mauvrion Skies (Yellow)
Blue (21)
1 Arknight Shard
3 Become the Arknight
3 Dread Triptych
3 Mauvrion Skies (Blue)
3 Meat and Greet (Blue)
3 Shrill of Skullform (Blue)
3 Tome of the Arknight
2 Vexing Malice