Rosetta Set Review – Verdance (Earth + Wizard)

Rosetta review Verdance

Rosetta reviews continue, as we dive into the new Earth Wizard hero Verdance. Come check out all the great new cards!

#earth, #elemental, #fab, #flesh and blood, #review, #rosetta, #verdance, #wizard Read More »

Rosetta Set Review – Florian (Runeblade + Earth)

Rosetta review Florian

Rosetta reviews continue! This time Ethan “ManSant” brings us into the world of Runeblade by diving into Florian, and the best cards he gets from the new set.

#earth, #fab, #flesh and blood, #florian, #ManSant, #review, #rosetta, #runeblade Read More »

Rosetta Set Review – Commoner

Rosetta review Commoner

We’re kicking off our round of Rosetta set reviews by looking at the best cards for the Commoner format. Which heroes are getting the best new toys? Find out here.

#aria, #Commoner, #earth, #fab, #flesh and blood, #lightning, #rosetta, #runeblade, #set review, #wizard Read More »

Three Heroes LL’d in Blitz. Now What?

Yoji, Royal Protector

Ding dong the Zen is dead! Blitz’s most powerful deck has gone to Living Legend, and now the format kind finally breathe. So what’s next?

#blitz, #briar, #dash, #fab, #flesh and blood, #living legend, #zen Read More »