Part the Mistveil Set Review – Blitz Decks

Part the Mistveil Set Review - Blitz Decks

We leave the main Part the Mistveil set behind to discuss the preconstructed Blitz decks. How do you play them? Which ones are best? Find out here.

#blitz, #enigma, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mst, #nuu, #part the mistveil, #precon, #review, #zen Read More »

Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck Review – Betsy and Victor

Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck Review - Guardian

We’re wrapping up our Heavy Hitters reviews by looking at the Guardian Blitz precon decks! Are Victor and Betsy worthy heroes?

#betsy, #blitz, #fab, #flesh and blood, #guardian, #heavy hitters, #hvy, #precon, #review, #victor Read More »

The Most Jank Flesh and Blood Cards of 2023


Embrace the jank! Check out Mari’s picks for the most interesting janky Flesh and Blood cards of 2023.

#2023, #Bright Lights, #dusk till dawn, #fab, #flesh and blood, #jank, #melody, #Outsiders, #review, #round the table Read More »

The Commoner Club – 2023 Flesh and Blood Commoner Wrapped

Bittering Thorns

Come check out Kenny’s list for the best cards from 2023 for the Commoner format of Flesh and Blood!

#2023, #Bright Lights, #Commoner, #dusk till dawn, #fab, #flesh and blood, #Outsiders, #review Read More »

The Best Flesh and Blood Cards of 2023 – Writers’ Picks!

Banneret of Courage

Our amazing FABREC writers tell you all about their favorite Flesh and Blood cards that came out in 2023. Is your favorite on this list?

#2023, #best, #cards, #dash database, #dash io, #fab, #fabrec, #flesh and blood, #levia redeemed, #review Read More »

Bright Lights Set Review – Non-Mechanologist Cards

Bright Lights Set Review - Non-Mechanologist

Save the best for last? We’re wrapping up our Bright Lights set reviews with Jonah’s analysis of all the non-Mechanologist cards in the set!

#assassin, #Bright Lights, #brute, #draconic, #fab, #flesh and blood, #guardian, #illusionist, #ninja, #ranger, #review, #runeblade, #set, #shadow, #warrior, #wizard Read More »

Bright Lights Set Review – Mechanologist Attack Actions Part 2

Bright Lights Review - Attacks Pt 2

Kenny’s here to finish up our review of all the Mechanologist attack actions in Bright Lights. Come check it out!

#action, #attack, #Bright Lights, #fab, #flesh and blood, #mechanologist, #review, #set review Read More »

Bright Lights Set Review – Blocks, Instants, and Non-Attack Actions

Bright Lights Review - Blocks, Instants, Non-Attack Actions

Week two of Bright Lights reviews kicks off with Ethan showcasing the instant, non-attack actions, and the new card type block!

#action, #block, #Bright Lights, #fab, #flesh and blood, #instant, #mechanologist, #review, #set review Read More »

Dusk Till Dawn Set Review – Light and Illusionist

Light + Illusionist Review

Tyler (aka Pony Puddle) is here with his first article for FABREC, and it’s a doozy! Come along on this guided journey through the Light and Illusionist cards from Dusk Till Dawn, the newest set of Flesh and Blood.

#dusk till dawn, #fab, #figment, #flesh and blood, #illusionist, #light, #review Read More »