Brute in Commoner – Part 2: Rhinar

Wrecker Romp

Looking to see what the powerhouse Brute Rhinar can do in the Commoner format? Then check out this deck tech for all the tips and tricks.

#brute, #Commoner, #deck, #fab, #flesh and blood, #Rhinar Read More »

Brute in Commoner – Part 1: A Big Picture Look at the Class

Wild Ride

What does the Brute class have to offer in the Commoner format of Flesh and Blood? A whole lot of faces smashed!

#brute, #Commoner, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #kayo, #levia, #Rhinar Read More »

Upgrading the Rhinar Blitz Precon


Looking to upgrade the Rhinar Blitz Precon from Heavy Hitters? Then check out this article in our Precon Progression series, and take Rhinar to your next Blitz event.

#blitz, #brute, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #precon, #Rhinar, #upgrade Read More »

Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck Review – Kayo & Rhinar

Heavy Hitters Blitz Deck Review - Brute

These Kayo and Rhinar Blitz decks are a Brute force to reckon with! Come see how to play them and how to upgrade them for your next event.

#beat chest, #blitz, #brute, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #intimidate, #kayo, #precon, #Rhinar Read More »

Heavy Hitters Set Review – Brute

Heavy Hitters Review - Brute

The Heavy Hitters reviews continue, with this installment focusing on the Brute class and its effects on the metagame.

#brute, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #intimidate, #kayo, #Rhinar, #set review Read More »

Was Heavy Hitters Supposed to Be a Talented Set?

Heavy Hitters Talented?

Was Heavy Hitters originally meant to be a talented set? Let’s take a look at the new set to see if its design gives us any clues.

#betsy, #heavy hitters, #kassai, #kayo, #olympia, #Rhinar, #savage lands, #speculation, #talents, #victor Read More »

The Case for the Not-So-Reckless Rhinar Reprint in Heavy Hitters

Rhinar, Reckless Rampage

Not liking Rhinar’s reprint in Heavy Hitters? Tommy’s got a ton of reasons why you should reconsider.

##theory, #brute, #fab, #flesh and blood, #heavy hitters, #Rhinar, #rhinar reckless rampage Read More »

Where to Start in Flesh and Blood


Curious about Flesh and Blood and wondering where to start? This article runs you through the basic game strategies!

#aggro, #Blackout Kick, #bravo, #Dawnblade, #dominate, #Dorinthea, #fab, #flesh and blood, #Harmonized Kodachi, #intimidate, #Katsu, #Leg Tap, #Rathe, #Rhinar, #Rising Knee Thrust Read More »