Cadaverous Contraband (Blue)
479 decks (0.1560%)
Price History
Cadaverous Contraband (Blue)
Generic Attack Action - Attack
If Cadaverous Contraband hits, you may put a 'non-attack' action card from your graveyard on top of your deck.
Average Card Type Distribution
Average Attack Value: 
Average Defense Value:  
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
26% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Rhinar, Reckless Rampage that play both.
Dash I/O
Dash I/O
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Dash I/O that play both.
Dromai, Ash Artist
Dromai, Ash Artist
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Dromai, Ash Artist that play both.
Shiyana, Diamond Gemini
Shiyana, Diamond Gemini
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Shiyana, Diamond Gemini that play both.
Dash, Database
Dash, Database
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Dash, Database that play both.
Fyendal's Spring Tunic
Fyendal's Spring Tunic
55% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Fyendal's Spring Tunic that play both.
Nullrune Gloves
Nullrune Gloves
49% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Nullrune Gloves that play both.
Crown of Providence
Crown of Providence
35% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Crown of Providence that play both.
Gambler's Gloves
Gambler's Gloves
32% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Gambler's Gloves that play both.
Apex Bonebreaker
Apex Bonebreaker
31% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Apex Bonebreaker that play both.
Scowling Flesh Bag
Scowling Flesh Bag
29% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Scowling Flesh Bag that play both.
Scabskin Leathers
Scabskin Leathers
28% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Scabskin Leathers that play both.
26% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Skullhorn that play both.
Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Hood
22% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Nullrune Hood that play both.
Nullrune Boots
Nullrune Boots
21% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Nullrune Boots that play both.
Goliath Gauntlet
Goliath Gauntlet
21% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Goliath Gauntlet that play both.
Mage Master Boots
Mage Master Boots
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Mage Master Boots that play both.
Arcanite Skullcap
Arcanite Skullcap
19% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Arcanite Skullcap that play both.
Skull Crushers
Skull Crushers
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Skull Crushers that play both.
Ironhide Gauntlet
Ironhide Gauntlet
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Ironhide Gauntlet that play both.
Ironhide Legs
Ironhide Legs
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Ironhide Legs that play both.
Snapdragon Scalers
Snapdragon Scalers
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Snapdragon Scalers that play both.
Crown of Dominion
Crown of Dominion
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Crown of Dominion that play both.
banned - Blitz
Heartened Cross Strap
Heartened Cross Strap
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Heartened Cross Strap that play both.
Achilles Accelerator
Achilles Accelerator
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Achilles Accelerator that play both.
Hope Merchant's Hood
Hope Merchant's Hood
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Hope Merchant's Hood that play both.
Nullrune Robe
Nullrune Robe
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Nullrune Robe that play both.
Flamescale Furnace
Flamescale Furnace
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Flamescale Furnace that play both.
Adaptive Plating
Adaptive Plating
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Adaptive Plating that play both.
Barkbone Strapping
Barkbone Strapping
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Barkbone Strapping that play both.
Seeker's Mitts
Seeker's Mitts
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Seeker's Mitts that play both.
Viziertronic Model i
Viziertronic Model i
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Viziertronic Model i that play both.
Beaten Trackers
Beaten Trackers
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Beaten Trackers that play both.
Refraction Bolters
Refraction Bolters
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Refraction Bolters that play both.
Teklo Base Arms
Teklo Base Arms
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Teklo Base Arms that play both.
Teklo Base Legs
Teklo Base Legs
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Teklo Base Legs that play both.
Cogwerx Base Arms
Cogwerx Base Arms
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Cogwerx Base Arms that play both.
Arcane Lantern
Arcane Lantern
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Arcane Lantern that play both.
Braveforge Bracers
Braveforge Bracers
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Braveforge Bracers that play both.
Silken Form
Silken Form
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Silken Form that play both.
Mandible Claw
Mandible Claw
27% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Mandible Claw that play both.
Symbiosis Shot
Symbiosis Shot
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Symbiosis Shot that play both.
Talishar, the Lost Prince
Talishar, the Lost Prince
17% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Talishar, the Lost Prince that play both.
Romping Club
Romping Club
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Romping Club that play both.
Storm of Sandikai
Storm of Sandikai
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Storm of Sandikai that play both.
Teklo Plasma Pistol
Teklo Plasma Pistol
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Teklo Plasma Pistol that play both.
Bloodrush Bellow
Bloodrush Bellow
Avg. played:  
27% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Bloodrush Bellow that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Blue)
Barraging Beatdown (Blue)
Avg. played:  
25% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Barraging Beatdown (Blue) that play both.
Warmonger's Diplomacy
Warmonger's Diplomacy
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Warmonger's Diplomacy that play both.
Energy Potion
Energy Potion
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Energy Potion that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Red)
Barraging Beatdown (Red)
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Barraging Beatdown (Red) that play both.
Sand Sketched Plan
Sand Sketched Plan
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Sand Sketched Plan that play both.
Dissolving Shield (Red)
Dissolving Shield (Red)
Avg. played:  
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Dissolving Shield (Red) that play both.
High Roller (Blue)
High Roller (Blue)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and High Roller (Blue) that play both.
Argh... Smash!
Argh... Smash!
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Argh... Smash! that play both.
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Red)
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Red) that play both.
Dig Up Dinner
Dig Up Dinner
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Dig Up Dinner that play both.
This Round's on Me
This Round's on Me
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and This Round's on Me that play both.
Teklo Core
Teklo Core
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Teklo Core that play both.
Tome of Imperial Flame
Tome of Imperial Flame
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Tome of Imperial Flame that play both.
Cash In
Cash In
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Cash In that play both.
Invoke Tomeltai
Invoke Tomeltai
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Tomeltai that play both.
Invoke Dominia
Invoke Dominia
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Dominia that play both.
Invoke Cromai
Invoke Cromai
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Cromai that play both.
Backup Protocol: BLU
Backup Protocol: BLU
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Backup Protocol: BLU that play both.
Mini Forcefield (Red)
Mini Forcefield (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Mini Forcefield (Red) that play both.
Show Time!
Show Time!
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Show Time! that play both.
Invoke Miragai
Invoke Miragai
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Miragai that play both.
Lesson in Lava
Lesson in Lava
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Lesson in Lava that play both.
Talk a Big Game
Talk a Big Game
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Talk a Big Game that play both.
Goblet of Bloodrun Wine
Goblet of Bloodrun Wine
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Goblet of Bloodrun Wine that play both.
Hold 'em (Red)
Hold 'em (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Hold 'em (Red) that play both.
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Blue)
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Blue) that play both.
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Yellow)
Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Money Where Ya Mouth Is (Yellow) that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Yellow)
Barraging Beatdown (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Barraging Beatdown (Yellow) that play both.
Sift (Blue)
Sift (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Sift (Blue) that play both.
Prismatic Lens
Prismatic Lens
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Prismatic Lens that play both.
Invoke Kyloria
Invoke Kyloria
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Kyloria that play both.
Passing Mirage
Passing Mirage
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Passing Mirage that play both.
Rake the Embers (Red)
Rake the Embers (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Rake the Embers (Red) that play both.
Invoke Azvolai
Invoke Azvolai
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Invoke Azvolai that play both.
Backup Protocol: RED
Backup Protocol: RED
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Backup Protocol: RED that play both.
Spark of Genius
Spark of Genius
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Spark of Genius that play both.
Attack Action
Command and Conquer
Command and Conquer
Avg. played:  
36% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Command and Conquer that play both.
Send Packing
Send Packing
Avg. played:  
29% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Send Packing that play both.
Swing Big
Swing Big
Avg. played:  
28% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Swing Big that play both.
Wrecker Romp (Blue)
Wrecker Romp (Blue)
Avg. played:  
27% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Wrecker Romp (Blue) that play both.
Skull Crack
Skull Crack
Avg. played:  
27% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Skull Crack that play both.
Beast Within
Beast Within
Avg. played:  
26% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Beast Within that play both.
Enlightened Strike
Enlightened Strike
Avg. played:  
23% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Enlightened Strike that play both.
Agile Windup (Yellow)
Agile Windup (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
23% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Agile Windup (Yellow) that play both.
Pack Hunt (Red)
Pack Hunt (Red)
Avg. played:  
22% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pack Hunt (Red) that play both.
Smash Instinct (Yellow)
Smash Instinct (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
22% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Smash Instinct (Yellow) that play both.
Cadaverous Contraband (Red)
Cadaverous Contraband (Red)
Avg. played:  
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Cadaverous Contraband (Red) that play both.
Riled Up (Yellow)
Riled Up (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Riled Up (Yellow) that play both.
Erase Face
Erase Face
Avg. played:  
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Erase Face that play both.
Savage Feast (Red)
Savage Feast (Red)
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Savage Feast (Red) that play both.
Pursuit of Knowledge
Pursuit of Knowledge
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pursuit of Knowledge that play both.
Alpha Rampage
Alpha Rampage
Avg. played:  
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Alpha Rampage that play both.
Show No Mercy
Show No Mercy
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Show No Mercy that play both.
Smash with Big Tree (Red)
Smash with Big Tree (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Smash with Big Tree (Red) that play both.
Smash Instinct (Red)
Smash Instinct (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Smash Instinct (Red) that play both.
Tome of Fyendal
Tome of Fyendal
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Tome of Fyendal that play both.
Reincarnate (Yellow)
Reincarnate (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Reincarnate (Yellow) that play both.
Humble (Red)
Humble (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Humble (Red) that play both.
Scrap Harvester (Blue)
Scrap Harvester (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Scrap Harvester (Blue) that play both.
Clash of Might (Red)
Clash of Might (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Clash of Might (Red) that play both.
Clash of Agility (Red)
Clash of Agility (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Clash of Agility (Red) that play both.
Cadaverous Contraband (Yellow)
Cadaverous Contraband (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Cadaverous Contraband (Yellow) that play both.
Pack Hunt (Blue)
Pack Hunt (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pack Hunt (Blue) that play both.
Rifting (Blue)
Rifting (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Rifting (Blue) that play both.
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Amnesia that play both.
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Heist that play both.
Crippling Crush
Crippling Crush
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Crippling Crush that play both.
Clash of Agility (Blue)
Clash of Agility (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Clash of Agility (Blue) that play both.
Clash of Might (Blue)
Clash of Might (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Clash of Might (Blue) that play both.
Scrap Harvester (Red)
Scrap Harvester (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Scrap Harvester (Red) that play both.
Hyper Scrapper
Hyper Scrapper
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Hyper Scrapper that play both.
Soul Reaping
Soul Reaping
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Soul Reaping that play both.
Ravenous Rabble (Red)
Ravenous Rabble (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Ravenous Rabble (Red) that play both.
Give and Take
Give and Take
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Give and Take that play both.
Brutal Assault (Blue)
Brutal Assault (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Brutal Assault (Blue) that play both.
Pulping (Red)
Pulping (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pulping (Red) that play both.
Scrap Hopper (Blue)
Scrap Hopper (Blue)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Scrap Hopper (Blue) that play both.
Expedite (Blue)
Expedite (Blue)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Expedite (Blue) that play both.
Fyendal's Fighting Spirit (Red)
Fyendal's Fighting Spirit (Red)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Fyendal's Fighting Spirit (Red) that play both.
Attack Reaction
Pummel (Red)
Pummel (Red)
Avg. played:  
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pummel (Red) that play both.
Pummel (Blue)
Pummel (Blue)
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pummel (Blue) that play both.
Pummel (Yellow)
Pummel (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Pummel (Yellow) that play both.
Defense Reaction
Sink Below (Red)
Sink Below (Red)
Avg. played:  
43% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Sink Below (Red) that play both.
Fate Foreseen
Fate Foreseen
Avg. played:  
28% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Fate Foreseen that play both.
Reckless Swing
Reckless Swing
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Reckless Swing that play both.
Unmovable (Blue)
Unmovable (Blue)
Avg. played:  
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Unmovable (Blue) that play both.
That All You Got?
That All You Got?
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and That All You Got? that play both.
Hold the Line
Hold the Line
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Hold the Line that play both.
Collapsing Trap
Collapsing Trap
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Collapsing Trap that play both.
Unmovable (Red)
Unmovable (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Unmovable (Red) that play both.
Buzzsaw Trap
Buzzsaw Trap
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Buzzsaw Trap that play both.
Firewall (Red)
Firewall (Red)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Firewall (Red) that play both.
Test of Strength
Test of Strength
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Test of Strength that play both.
Avg. played:  
18% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Remembrance that play both.
Oasis Respite (Red)
Oasis Respite (Red)
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Oasis Respite (Red) that play both.
Sigil of Solace (Red)
Sigil of Solace (Red)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Sigil of Solace (Red) that play both.
Master Cog
Master Cog
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Master Cog that play both.
Arknight Shard
Arknight Shard
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Cadaverous Contraband (Blue) and Arknight Shard that play both.