Smashing Good Time (Yellow)
91 decks (0.02083%)
Price History
Smashing Good Time (Yellow)
Generic Action
The next time an attack action card hits a hero this turn, you may destroy an item they control with cost 2 or less. If Smashing Good Time is played from arsenal, the next attack action card you play this turn gains +2[Power]. Go again
Average Card Type Distribution
Average Attack Value: 
Average Defense Value:  
Nuu, Alluring Desire
Nuu, Alluring Desire
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nuu, Alluring Desire that play both.
Prism, Awakener of Sol
Prism, Awakener of Sol
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Prism, Awakener of Sol that play both.
Arakni, Huntsman
Arakni, Huntsman
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Arakni, Huntsman that play both.
Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn
Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn that play both.
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Rhinar, Reckless Rampage that play both.
Bravo, Showstopper
Bravo, Showstopper
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bravo, Showstopper that play both.
Riptide, Lurker of the Deep
Riptide, Lurker of the Deep
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Riptide, Lurker of the Deep that play both.
Helm of Halo's Grace
Helm of Halo's Grace
100% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Helm of Halo's Grace that play both.
Warpath of Winged Grace
Warpath of Winged Grace
100% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Warpath of Winged Grace that play both.
Fyendal's Spring Tunic
Fyendal's Spring Tunic
53% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Fyendal's Spring Tunic that play both.
Nullrune Gloves
Nullrune Gloves
42% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nullrune Gloves that play both.
Nullrune Boots
Nullrune Boots
34% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nullrune Boots that play both.
Snapdragon Scalers
Snapdragon Scalers
25% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Snapdragon Scalers that play both.
Crown of Providence
Crown of Providence
22% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Crown of Providence that play both.
Warband of Bellona
Warband of Bellona
21% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Warband of Bellona that play both.
Stonewall Gauntlet
Stonewall Gauntlet
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Stonewall Gauntlet that play both.
Arcane Lantern
Arcane Lantern
18% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Arcane Lantern that play both.
Empyrean Rapture
Empyrean Rapture
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Empyrean Rapture that play both.
Ironsong Versus
Ironsong Versus
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Ironsong Versus that play both.
Soulbond Resolve
Soulbond Resolve
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Soulbond Resolve that play both.
Blacktek Whisperers
Blacktek Whisperers
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Blacktek Whisperers that play both.
Halo of Illumination
Halo of Illumination
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Halo of Illumination that play both.
Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Hood
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nullrune Hood that play both.
Shriek Razors
Shriek Razors
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Shriek Razors that play both.
Mask of Perdition
Mask of Perdition
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Mask of Perdition that play both.
Phantasmal Footsteps
Phantasmal Footsteps
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Phantasmal Footsteps that play both.
Civic Steps
Civic Steps
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Civic Steps that play both.
Grasp of the Arknight
Grasp of the Arknight
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Grasp of the Arknight that play both.
Arcanite Skullcap
Arcanite Skullcap
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Arcanite Skullcap that play both.
Gambler's Gloves
Gambler's Gloves
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Gambler's Gloves that play both.
Wave of Reality
Wave of Reality
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wave of Reality that play both.
Vexing Quillhand
Vexing Quillhand
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Vexing Quillhand that play both.
Vestige of Sol
Vestige of Sol
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Vestige of Sol that play both.
Scabskin Leathers
Scabskin Leathers
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Scabskin Leathers that play both.
Goliath Gauntlet
Goliath Gauntlet
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Goliath Gauntlet that play both.
Scowling Flesh Bag
Scowling Flesh Bag
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Scowling Flesh Bag that play both.
Balance of Justice
Balance of Justice
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Balance of Justice that play both.
Crater Fist
Crater Fist
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Crater Fist that play both.
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Skullhorn that play both.
Flick Knives
Flick Knives
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Flick Knives that play both.
Trench of Sunken Treasure
Trench of Sunken Treasure
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Trench of Sunken Treasure that play both.
Dyadic Carapace
Dyadic Carapace
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Dyadic Carapace that play both.
Mage Master Boots
Mage Master Boots
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Mage Master Boots that play both.
Tectonic Plating
Tectonic Plating
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Tectonic Plating that play both.
Nullrune Robe
Nullrune Robe
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nullrune Robe that play both.
Bull's Eye Bracers
Bull's Eye Bracers
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bull's Eye Bracers that play both.
Perch Grapplers
Perch Grapplers
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Perch Grapplers that play both.
Refraction Bolters
Refraction Bolters
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Refraction Bolters that play both.
Bastion of Unity
Bastion of Unity
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bastion of Unity that play both.
Silent Stilettos
Silent Stilettos
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Silent Stilettos that play both.
Vambrace of Determination
Vambrace of Determination
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Vambrace of Determination that play both.
Quiver of Abyssal Depths
Quiver of Abyssal Depths
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Quiver of Abyssal Depths that play both.
Luminaris, Angel's Glow
Luminaris, Angel's Glow
19% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Luminaris, Angel's Glow that play both.
Graven Call
Graven Call
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Graven Call that play both.
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Orbitoclast that play both.
Nerve Scalpel
Nerve Scalpel
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nerve Scalpel that play both.
Spider's Bite
Spider's Bite
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Spider's Bite that play both.
Luminaris, Celestial Fury
Luminaris, Celestial Fury
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Luminaris, Celestial Fury that play both.
Rosetta Thorn
Rosetta Thorn
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Rosetta Thorn that play both.
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Anothos that play both.
Raydn, Duskbane
Raydn, Duskbane
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Raydn, Duskbane that play both.
Mandible Claw
Mandible Claw
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Mandible Claw that play both.
Scale Peeler
Scale Peeler
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Scale Peeler that play both.
Iris of Reality
Iris of Reality
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Iris of Reality that play both.
Titan's Fist
Titan's Fist
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Titan's Fist that play both.
Emissary of Moon
Emissary of Moon
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Emissary of Moon that play both.
Blanch (Red)
Blanch (Red)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Blanch (Red) that play both.
Blanch (Yellow)
Blanch (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Blanch (Yellow) that play both.
Gravekeeping (Blue)
Gravekeeping (Blue)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Gravekeeping (Blue) that play both.
Gravekeeping (Red)
Gravekeeping (Red)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Gravekeeping (Red) that play both.
Codex of Frailty
Codex of Frailty
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Codex of Frailty that play both.
Smashing Good Time (Red)
Smashing Good Time (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Smashing Good Time (Red) that play both.
Spirit of Eirina
Spirit of Eirina
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Spirit of Eirina that play both.
Warmonger's Diplomacy
Warmonger's Diplomacy
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Warmonger's Diplomacy that play both.
Starting Stake
Starting Stake
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Starting Stake that play both.
Passing Mirage
Passing Mirage
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Passing Mirage that play both.
Lumina Ascension
Lumina Ascension
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Lumina Ascension that play both.
Nimblism (Red)
Nimblism (Red)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Nimblism (Red) that play both.
Pierce Reality
Pierce Reality
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pierce Reality that play both.
Prayer of Bellona
Prayer of Bellona
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Prayer of Bellona that play both.
Tear Asunder
Tear Asunder
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Tear Asunder that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Red)
Barraging Beatdown (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Barraging Beatdown (Red) that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Yellow)
Barraging Beatdown (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Barraging Beatdown (Yellow) that play both.
Haze Bending
Haze Bending
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Haze Bending that play both.
Seek and Destroy
Seek and Destroy
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Seek and Destroy that play both.
Barraging Beatdown (Blue)
Barraging Beatdown (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Barraging Beatdown (Blue) that play both.
Bloodrush Bellow
Bloodrush Bellow
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bloodrush Bellow that play both.
Envelop in Darkness (Blue)
Envelop in Darkness (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Envelop in Darkness (Blue) that play both.
Envelop in Darkness (Yellow)
Envelop in Darkness (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Envelop in Darkness (Yellow) that play both.
Invoke Suraya
Invoke Suraya
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Invoke Suraya that play both.
Sonata Fantasmia
Sonata Fantasmia
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Sonata Fantasmia that play both.
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Premeditate that play both.
Tome of Harvests
Tome of Harvests
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Tome of Harvests that play both.
Tome of Fyendal
Tome of Fyendal
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Tome of Fyendal that play both.
Crazy Brew
Crazy Brew
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Crazy Brew that play both.
Mauvrion Skies (Blue)
Mauvrion Skies (Blue)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Mauvrion Skies (Blue) that play both.
Attack Action
Bonds of Agony
Bonds of Agony
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bonds of Agony that play both.
Bonds of Attraction (Blue)
Bonds of Attraction (Blue)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bonds of Attraction (Blue) that play both.
Bonds of Memory (Blue)
Bonds of Memory (Blue)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bonds of Memory (Blue) that play both.
Double Trouble (Yellow)
Double Trouble (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Double Trouble (Yellow) that play both.
Persuasive Prognosis
Persuasive Prognosis
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Persuasive Prognosis that play both.
Pick to Pieces (Red)
Pick to Pieces (Red)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pick to Pieces (Red) that play both.
Pick to Pieces (Yellow)
Pick to Pieces (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pick to Pieces (Yellow) that play both.
Enlightened Strike
Enlightened Strike
Avg. played:  
19% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Enlightened Strike that play both.
Command and Conquer
Command and Conquer
Avg. played:  
18% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Command and Conquer that play both.
Beaming Bravado (Red)
Beaming Bravado (Red)
Avg. played:  
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Beaming Bravado (Red) that play both.
Already Dead
Already Dead
Avg. played:  
15% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Already Dead that play both.
Banneret of Courage
Banneret of Courage
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Banneret of Courage that play both.
Leave No Witnesses
Leave No Witnesses
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Leave No Witnesses that play both.
Banneret of Gallantry
Banneret of Gallantry
Avg. played:  
13% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Banneret of Gallantry that play both.
Beaming Bravado (Yellow)
Beaming Bravado (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Beaming Bravado (Yellow) that play both.
Herald of Protection (Blue)
Herald of Protection (Blue)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Protection (Blue) that play both.
Wartune Herald (Blue)
Wartune Herald (Blue)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wartune Herald (Blue) that play both.
Take Flight (Yellow)
Take Flight (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Take Flight (Yellow) that play both.
V of the Vanguard
V of the Vanguard
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and V of the Vanguard that play both.
Annihilate the Armed (Red)
Annihilate the Armed (Red)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Annihilate the Armed (Red) that play both.
Surgical Extraction
Surgical Extraction
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Surgical Extraction that play both.
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Regicide that play both.
Herald of Erudition
Herald of Erudition
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Erudition that play both.
Wartune Herald (Red)
Wartune Herald (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wartune Herald (Red) that play both.
Herald of Triumph (Blue)
Herald of Triumph (Blue)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Triumph (Blue) that play both.
Celestial Cataclysm
Celestial Cataclysm
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Celestial Cataclysm that play both.
Take Flight (Red)
Take Flight (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Take Flight (Red) that play both.
Ravenous Rabble (Red)
Ravenous Rabble (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Ravenous Rabble (Red) that play both.
Performance Bonus (Blue)
Performance Bonus (Blue)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Performance Bonus (Blue) that play both.
Wage Gold (Red)
Wage Gold (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wage Gold (Red) that play both.
Herald of Triumph (Red)
Herald of Triumph (Red)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Triumph (Red) that play both.
Wartune Herald (Yellow)
Wartune Herald (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wartune Herald (Yellow) that play both.
Debilitate (Blue)
Debilitate (Blue)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Debilitate (Blue) that play both.
Thunder Quake (Blue)
Thunder Quake (Blue)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Thunder Quake (Blue) that play both.
Light the Way (Red)
Light the Way (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Light the Way (Red) that play both.
Herald of Rebirth (Blue)
Herald of Rebirth (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Rebirth (Blue) that play both.
Herald of Ravages (Blue)
Herald of Ravages (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Ravages (Blue) that play both.
Herald of Triumph (Yellow)
Herald of Triumph (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Herald of Triumph (Yellow) that play both.
Buckling Blow (Blue)
Buckling Blow (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Buckling Blow (Blue) that play both.
Macho Grande (Blue)
Macho Grande (Blue)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Macho Grande (Blue) that play both.
Plunder the Poor (Red)
Plunder the Poor (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Plunder the Poor (Red) that play both.
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Eradicate that play both.
Death Touch (Red)
Death Touch (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Death Touch (Red) that play both.
Chokeslam (Blue)
Chokeslam (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Chokeslam (Blue) that play both.
Disable (Blue)
Disable (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Disable (Blue) that play both.
Autumn's Touch (Blue)
Autumn's Touch (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Autumn's Touch (Blue) that play both.
Bolt'n' Shot (Red)
Bolt'n' Shot (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bolt'n' Shot (Red) that play both.
Wrecker Romp (Blue)
Wrecker Romp (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Wrecker Romp (Blue) that play both.
Savage Feast (Red)
Savage Feast (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Savage Feast (Red) that play both.
Pack Hunt (Red)
Pack Hunt (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pack Hunt (Red) that play both.
Vantom Wraith (Red)
Vantom Wraith (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Vantom Wraith (Red) that play both.
Widespread Annihilation
Widespread Annihilation
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Widespread Annihilation that play both.
Widespread Destruction
Widespread Destruction
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Widespread Destruction that play both.
Widespread Ruin
Widespread Ruin
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Widespread Ruin that play both.
Annihilate the Armed (Blue)
Annihilate the Armed (Blue)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Annihilate the Armed (Blue) that play both.
Drill Shot (Red)
Drill Shot (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Drill Shot (Red) that play both.
Boulder Drop
Boulder Drop
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Boulder Drop that play both.
Humble (Red)
Humble (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Humble (Red) that play both.
Falcon Wing (Red)
Falcon Wing (Red)
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Falcon Wing (Red) that play both.
Cranial Crush
Cranial Crush
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Cranial Crush that play both.
Rouse the Ancients
Rouse the Ancients
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Rouse the Ancients that play both.
Spinal Crush
Spinal Crush
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Spinal Crush that play both.
Crippling Crush
Crippling Crush
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Crippling Crush that play both.
Engulfing Light (Red)
Engulfing Light (Red)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Engulfing Light (Red) that play both.
Bolt of Courage (Red)
Bolt of Courage (Red)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Bolt of Courage (Red) that play both.
Endless Arrow
Endless Arrow
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Endless Arrow that play both.
Savage Swing (Yellow)
Savage Swing (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Savage Swing (Yellow) that play both.
Swing Big
Swing Big
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Swing Big that play both.
Attack Reaction
Pummel (Red)
Pummel (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pummel (Red) that play both.
Shred (Blue)
Shred (Blue)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Shred (Blue) that play both.
Cut to the Chase (Red)
Cut to the Chase (Red)
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Cut to the Chase (Red) that play both.
Coercive Tendency
Coercive Tendency
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Coercive Tendency that play both.
Shred (Yellow)
Shred (Yellow)
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Shred (Yellow) that play both.
Beacon of Victory
Beacon of Victory
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Beacon of Victory that play both.
Razor Reflex (Red)
Razor Reflex (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Razor Reflex (Red) that play both.
Defense Reaction
Saving Grace
Saving Grace
Avg. played:  
100% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Saving Grace that play both.
Sink Below (Red)
Sink Below (Red)
Avg. played:  
35% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Sink Below (Red) that play both.
Soul Shield
Soul Shield
Avg. played:  
22% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Soul Shield that play both.
Fate Foreseen
Fate Foreseen
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Fate Foreseen that play both.
Frailty Trap
Frailty Trap
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Frailty Trap that play both.
That All You Got?
That All You Got?
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and That All You Got? that play both.
Unmovable (Red)
Unmovable (Red)
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Unmovable (Red) that play both.
Reckless Swing
Reckless Swing
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Reckless Swing that play both.
Unmovable (Blue)
Unmovable (Blue)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Unmovable (Blue) that play both.
Inertia Trap
Inertia Trap
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Inertia Trap that play both.
Buzzsaw Trap
Buzzsaw Trap
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Buzzsaw Trap that play both.
Collapsing Trap
Collapsing Trap
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Collapsing Trap that play both.
A Drop in the Ocean
A Drop in the Ocean
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and A Drop in the Ocean that play both.
Pass Over
Pass Over
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Pass Over that play both.
Preserve Tradition
Preserve Tradition
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Preserve Tradition that play both.
Rising Sun, Setting Moon
Rising Sun, Setting Moon
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Rising Sun, Setting Moon that play both.
Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires
Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires that play both.
The Grain that Tips the Scale
The Grain that Tips the Scale
Avg. played:  
20% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and The Grain that Tips the Scale that play both.
Figment of Erudition
Figment of Erudition
Avg. played:  
17% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Erudition that play both.
Figment of Protection
Figment of Protection
Avg. played:  
17% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Protection that play both.
Figment of Triumph
Figment of Triumph
Avg. played:  
17% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Triumph that play both.
Figment of Ravages
Figment of Ravages
Avg. played:  
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Ravages that play both.
Figment of Rebirth
Figment of Rebirth
Avg. played:  
16% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Rebirth that play both.
Figment of Judgment
Figment of Judgment
Avg. played:  
14% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Figment of Judgment that play both.
Avg. played:  
12% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Remembrance that play both.
Oasis Respite (Red)
Oasis Respite (Red)
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Oasis Respite (Red) that play both.
Arc Light Sentinel
Arc Light Sentinel
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Arc Light Sentinel that play both.
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Genesis that play both.
Seduce Secrets
Seduce Secrets
Avg. played:  
10% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Seduce Secrets that play both.
Tome of Divinity
Tome of Divinity
Avg. played:  
9% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Tome of Divinity that play both.
Merciful Retribution
Merciful Retribution
Avg. played:  
8% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Merciful Retribution that play both.
Sigil of Solace (Red)
Sigil of Solace (Red)
Avg. played:  
7% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Sigil of Solace (Red) that play both.
Reinforce the Line (Red)
Reinforce the Line (Red)
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Reinforce the Line (Red) that play both.
Art of War
Art of War
Avg. played:  
5% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Art of War that play both.
Plague Hive
Plague Hive
Avg. played:  
11% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Plague Hive that play both.
Light of Sol
Light of Sol
Avg. played:  
6% of decksPercentage of decks that could play both Smashing Good Time (Yellow) and Light of Sol that play both.